Thursday, November 25, 2004

seventh commandment

Reading a number of gloating, self-congratulatory letters to the editor from presumed conservatives, in the wake of election results that pundits credited to the perception of the GOP as being more attuned to the values of mainstream America, I was inspired to hoist these proponents of values by their own petards, so to speak, and point out the inconsistency of posing as defenders of the institution of marriage while having a known adulterer, Rudy Giuliani, as speaker at the nominating convention. Although I may be a liberal, I eschew self-righteousness, yet it amazes me that Giuliani has been mentioned as a GOP presidential candidate 4 years hence. I hope he will be the nominee; it would prove that the GOP will nominate anyone as long as he or she can win. Being an ex-alcoholic didn't disqualify Bush, so why should adultery? Maybe Ted Kennedy can be the opponent, so the decision can be based on policy differences rather than character traits.


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