slightly nerdy
incidentally, i was googling a classic remark attributed to brian of street smarts/net worth, that the other team would be "cut by the juggler", when i stumbled upon the nerd score test.
Yitwail is a homophone of white whale. It's a little tribute to Moby Dick, the great big novel. I call the site migrations because I've relocated a lot in my life, sometimes even by choice, but I might change it to peregrinations because I like to travel. I have only a humble wish that someone will stumble across this, my first attempt at a blog, and be entertained, edified, or intrigued.
Yup, JK, when I went to that day, I saw the nerd test, too, and thought, "Oh, PULEEEZE!" What IZZZZ it with this society's obsession with "tests"? But as an aside, I woulda rated you as more than just a "moderate" nerd. :) :) :)
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