Monday, February 28, 2005

meanwhile, back in america

the jeff gannon story, or non-story given the lack of media coverage:

it's mostly smoke, undoubtedly, but it seems like an awful lot of smoke. leftist, as opposed to liberal, ie. mainstream, media are having a field day with this one, hoisting various self-proclaimed christian media watchdogs with the petard of hypocrisy, given their propensity to work themselves to a lather over issues like the supposed gayness of cartoon characters such as Sponge Bob and Buster Bunny.

incidentally, i've tried numerous ways of putting in a clickable link to the web page i referenced, but none of them worked. :(

on an unrelated topic, audrey on the apprentice coined a new word when she decribed another contestant's remarks as demeaningful. that's not quite as comic as the earlier occasion when brian stated, "You gotta be tough in business or you'll be cut by the juggler," but brian was probably one of a kind.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No doubt, Brian and Audrey would have a BLAST with Mrs. Malaprop! :)

4:54 PM  

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