Sunday, October 31, 2004

long day's journey into pst

A case of doldrums coming on. I did have a pleasant time at the zoo yesterday. On the way to the zoo, gave a buck to an old guy playing saxophone. I pointed out my live at the village vanguard shirt to him; turned out he's a former New Yorker. Odd that people are drawn to extremes; for example, I think that the most popular zoo animals are either quite large, or small, but not medium. One of the medium small animals, a Coatimundi, was puttin' on a show, spinning its wheel: think of a hamster wheel magnified about 30 times. I'm not immune to the draw of the diminutive: I spent much time marveling at a quail from Madagascar not much larger than a weaver bird, which in turn isn't much larger than a sparrow.


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